Elementary School Principal Job Description
Principal: Role Description
Pope Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy
706 High St | Aurora, IL 60505
The essential role of the Catholic school principal is to provide leadership and vision for the development of an active faith and academic community that provides for the nurturing and complete growth of the children entrusted to their care. This role is best accomplished in collaboration with the sta? and by organization and administration of school resources to achieve this school's established goals.
This role involves responsibility for the following areas: faith community student services policy public relations personal/professional development personnel curriculum and instruction ?nance general administrative responsibilities physical plant
FAITH COMMUNITY: Fosters a climate of faith community.
- assumes leadership in faith formation of sta? and students
- ensures that basic teachings of our faith are taught
- provides prayer/liturgical experiences for sta? and students
- encourages and develops a spirit of Christian service
- articulates and facilitates con?ict resolution
- collaborates with DRE/CRE in implementing the parish vision and mission statement
- participates in experiences of faith development with members of the pastoral sta?
so that a shared ministry may grow
SCHOOL PHILOSPHY: Articulates and implements the Catholic philosophy of the school.
- incorporates the parish vision and mission statement into the school philosophy
- initiates periodic philosophy review
- ensures that programs and activities of the school re?ect the school philosophy
- communicates the philosophy and goals of the school
POLICY: Ensures the implementation of diocesan policies and procedures.
- provides leadership and service to the education commission
- informs the commission and sta? about diocesan and local policies
- prepares necessary background information and recommends needed local policies to the commission
PERSONNEL: Provides for the supervision and growth of personnel.
- follows diocesan policies and procedures in the employment and termination of personnel
- follows diocesan and parish policies, regulations, and guidelines in training and
certi?cation of catechists
- formulates and communicates the philosophy and objectives of the school
- implements ongoing, systematic and cooperative evaluations of sta? personnel according to diocesan and local procedures
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION: Provides e?ective instructional leadership of programs which
re?ect the unique Catholic character of the school.
- initiates and develops strategies for curriculum planning
- articulates and implements instructional goals and objectives
- provides materials and resources to meet the various needs and talents of students
- establishes and maintains an orderly school environment that promotes learning
through student self-discipline consistent with Gospel values and Christian principles
- directs, supervises, and assesses the instructional program
- provides for sta? development
STUDENT SERVICES: Establishes student policies and procedures.
- arranges systematic procedures for the continued assessment and reporting of
student progress
- manages enrollment and attendance policies and procedures
- publishes academic and behavior expectations of students
- provides for student health, welfare and safety on school property
- develops and coordinates the co-curricular programs sponsored by the school
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Establishes, promotes and nurtures an atmosphere of goodwill and rapport with the school's various publics.
- communicates the unique Catholic character, values and accomplishments of the school
- promotes a spirit of cooperation among parents, students, sta? and parish
- provides vehicles of communication
- assesses community reactions
PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Pursues opportunities for growth.
- grows spiritually through prayer and shared faith experiences
- continues to advance professionally through reading, seminars, conferences, and further study
- participates in principals' meetings, institutes and other diocesan programs FINANCE: Exercises ?scal responsibility.
- prepares, implements and monitors the school budget
- provides for a system of internal accounting
- administers school purchasing
- gives periodic budget reports to the commission
PHYSICAL PLANT: Supervises the custodial care and maintenance of the physical plant.
- assures the implementation of ?re, tornado and health and safety codes
- assures standards of cleanliness, ventilation, and safety
- coordinates the use of physical plant, its needs, and the correction of unsatisfactory conditions
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVES RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides for the day-to-day operations of the