Archdiocese of Cincinnati, NW-6 region including: St. Patrick (Troy), St. Mary/St. Boniface (Piqua), Transfiguration (West Milton), St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus (Covington). This area of Miami County, Ohio has charming communities and entertaining and convenient downtown environments. A growing young adult community is present, as well. There are safe and high-quality schools within the county, including those within our family of parishes: St. Patrick Catholic School (preK-8) and Piqua Catholic School (preK-8).
1. Musical & Liturgical Leadership
Provides music for three to four weekend Masses within the OLF Family of Parishes and two to three school Masses. Assists in conducting and coordinating the OLF Adult Choir in collaboration with the DML. Collaborates with Children's Choir(s), fostering musical and spiritual growth. Develops a youth/teen "Schola" for middle and high school students. Joins the schedule of rotation to provide music for special liturgies including weddings and funerals (per-instance stipend) and major solemnities and feasts throughout the liturgical year. The Assistant Director of Music and Liturgy collaborates with the DML to provide music for OLF special occasions, ex: "Fatima Day" and "Epiphany Lessons & Carols."
2. Administrative Support
Assists the DML with administrative tasks related to music ministry and liturgical planning. Works in coordination with the pastor, DML and parish leadership to ensure liturgical excellence. Serves, along with DML, as a member of the Art & Environment Committee, contributing to liturgical aesthetics and seasonal preparations. Supports OLF as a member of the staff team and parish community for planning and as needed.
- Practicing Catholic with a strong understanding of the Catholic Church and a passion for the faith.
- Proficiency in choral conducting, vocal training/cantoring and accompanying skills (organ preferred).
- Bachelor's degree in music, liturgy or equivalent preferred. Four+ years experience or equivalent.
- Ability to interact with a wide range of audience members including clergy, leadership, youth, parents, staff, volunteers and parishioners.
- Attend staff and planning meetings, faith formation and team prayer days.
- Knowledge of a diverse repertoire of sacred music, including hymns, Gregorian chant, choral repertoire and contemporary liturgical music.
- Understanding of Church documents on Music and Liturgy including Sacrosanctum Concilium (1963), Musicam Sacram (1967) and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2011).
- Knowledge of and adherence to U.S. copyright law.
- Strong verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills.
- Strong organizational, time management and creative solution-seeking skills.
- Ability to handle confidential and sensitive information appropriately.
- Extensive experience with basic computer programming such as: Microsoft Office, Google products, Canva, etc.
- Experience with and willingness to learn audio/visual.
- Understanding of and adherence to all aspects of Archdiocesan SafeParish standards.
- A desire to serve and to work in a team setting with a willingness to learn.
- Other duties as assigned.
This position may require evenings and/or weekend work and an unpredictable schedule. S/he will visit multiple church locations/offices throughout the week. Employees of Our Lady of Fatima Family of Parishes will have knowledge of the Catholic faith, a willingness to work for a Catholic, faith-based agency and adhere to the policies of the Catholic Church. Employees will not publicly oppose the teachings of the Catholic faith nor publicly advocate for any position in conflict with Catholic teaching, or the specific positions of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This requirement includes any public speech, demonstration or writing including the use of social media or other digital technologies.
- Compensation is commensurate with the candidate's experience.
- Job offer is contingent on the successful passing of BCI (background checks) and completion of the SafeParish requirements.
Send a letter of interest and resume with two professional letters of recommendation by 4/21/25:
Fr. Eric Bowman | | 409 E. Main St., Troy, OH 45373