Position Description
The mission of the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is to spread the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. In the faithful pursuit of this mission, the Archdiocese is seeking a Director of Music and Liturgy for St. Mary of the Mills. The Director of Music and Liturgy reports directly to the pastor in actively leading the music ministry program as well as actively engaged in leading the worship life of the parish. The primary objective is to create a dynamic and inspiring worship community, especially through a music ministry program, for the parish community. The Director of Music and Liturgy will support the gospel message through song and challenge the assembly to live it more fully. The music ministry should stir the soul and inspire people to a great faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ. This role requires the ability to work in a Catholic environment of kindness, compassion, respect, integrity, mutual charity and dignity. The Director of Music and Liturgy Ministry must reflect the core values of the Catholic Church and St Mary of the Mills Parish.
Duties and Responsibilities
Musical Responsibilities:
Responsible for arranging for music for all Liturgical and Para-liturgical services at St Mary of the Mills.
Responsibility for scheduling organist and cantor for all parish Masses and Holy Day of Obligation Masses.
Arrange for organ or other music prior to each Mass to prepare people for worship. Teach new hymns and/or make other announcements as needed prior to Mass.
Continually keep liturgies new and fresh by using different songs, settings and responses.
Coordinate a song leader for all funerals and weddings
Oversight for recruitment, training, and retention of choir members (adult, children, contemporary choirs).
Coordinate and arrange for additional musicians (violin, cello, wind instruments, tympani, etc.) and ensure quality of musical performance during masses/events at which these people minister.
Responsibility for arranging, transposing and composing materials as needed or required.
Assist in preparation of parish wedding and funerals by meeting with individuals/families to plan music and liturgy.
Provide for sacred concerts and/or other fund-raising musical enterprises (i.e. production of tape/disk of Christmas, Easter, etc.).
Serve as resource on musical and liturgical matters for all staff, faculty, and volunteer ministers in the parish, as well as provide catechesis to the parish at large on matters of corporate worship and musical celebration.
Resource person for parish musicals and/or other events requiring a person with musical expertise. Works in collaboration St Mary of the Mills Music Teacher.
Liturgical Responsibilities:
Organize, coordinate, provide education, and attend the Parish Liturgical meetings.
Prepare an annual calendar of liturgical services in concert with other parish staff and submit for the approval of the pastor.
Coordinate school liturgies and provide music for the same. Coordinate music for parish school of religion program special events (i.e. First Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, etc.).
Oversee the training and scheduling of song leaders/cantors.
Review and evaluate overall quality of parish liturgical and musical programs and make specific recommendations to the pastor (annual review and evaluation).
Make sure all general liturgical items (song boards, announcements, intercessions, etc.) are in place for all weekend, holy day and special liturgies.
Maintain inventory of liturgical supplies
Prepare worship aides; Train, schedule, and coordinate liturgical ministers.
Attend parish leadership meetings and administer Liturgy and Music budgets.
Bachelor's Degree in Music or a related field required with a strong knowledge of Catholic worship and liturgy. The candidate shall participate in on-going courses related to changes in liturgy and be self-sufficient on the use of music software.
The qualified candidate must have a minimum of 1-3 years in directing a faith-based choir in a Catholic parish.
Strong proficiency and experience in playing the organ or piano at a professional level and proficient in conducting and in singing.
This individual must be a practicing Catholic deeply rooted in faith.
Exemplary communication/people skills (working well with adults and children alike, as well as high school students).
Eclectic/versatile musical knowledge and styles including standard modern Catholic music, traditional hymns, and Praise & Worship style of music. Must have the creativity and ability to arrange and/or compose music that inspires the congregation and helps enhance their church experience.
Please send resume to tlinn@stmaryofthemills.org