Saint Rita Catholic School in Alexandria, Virginia, is seeking qualified applicants to serve as a Level I and Level II catechist for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Atrium) Program for the 2025-2026 school year. Level I and/or Level II CGS certification and all diocesan eligibility requirements, including a Bachelor's Degree, are required. Saint Rita's Atrium program is over ten years old and a well established foundation on which our early education program is built. Grounded in the truth that the "soul of education is the education of the soul," Saint Rita School uses Classical, Catholic, methods and pedagogy to inspire wonder in our learners as they seek the good, true, and beautiful. This can be a part-time (morning only, M-F) or full-time (if certified for both Level 1 and II, M-F) position. For questions or to apply, please contact the Principal, Mrs. Malia Busekrus, at