Reports To: Director of Music and Liturgy
Schedule: 12 months, 30-40 hours a week
Job Purpose
*To continue the beautiful tradition of liturgy and worship at Assumption by recruiting, training, and scheduling liturgical ministers. These ministries include Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, and wedding coordinators. To assist the Director of Music and Liturgy in worship preparations for Sunday and Weekday Masses and holy days. To be present for Sunday and Holy Day Masses to provide guidance and feedback to the liturgical ministers and fill in where needed.
General Responsibilities:
*Recruit and train liturgical ministers in their various roles and lead occasional workshops to ensure a high level of responsibility and performance from the volunteers.
*Schedule liturgical ministers for all Masses that require their presence including Sundays, weekdays, and holy days.
*Coordinate Weddings together with the volunteer coordinators.
*be present at Weekend and holy day Masses to ensure an atmosphere of hospitality, provide direction to ministers, coordinate processions and other special action as needed.
*Prepare materials for weekend and holy day Masses by printing and setting out worship aids, schedules, and other materials as needed for holy days and seasons, and preparing the prayers of the faithful.
*Produce and print wedding and funeral worship aids following the style guides as outlined by the Director of Music and Liturgy.
*Report OneLicense copyright usage from worship aids and other materials.
*Assist in the coordination of church environment when needed by the Director of Music and Liturgy.
*Assist in the set up and execution of arts/liturgical programming including choir concerts, guest concerts, stations of the cross, and other events.
*To present him/herself in a professional manner in the office, at Mass, and during any other gathering or event during which they are representative of their position.
*Help create a productive environment where there is harmony, good morale, and cooperative teamwork, monitor productivity and take corrective action as appropriate.
*Meet all communication requirements, including interpersonal skills with the employees, parishioners and volunteers. Includes keeping supervisors and appropriate others informed.
*Maintain and improve work knowledge and skills.
Job Qualifications:
*Knowledge of Catholic worship
*Knowledge of liturgical norms and practices
*Availability on weekends and holy days (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, etc.).
*Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to engage new volunteers.
Physical Demands:
*Ability to climb stairs.
*Ability to lift 20 lbs
*Work an average of up to 40 hours per week (longer hours during Holy Week, etc.).
*Stamina to work long days, weekends and holidays as necessary.